Whether you have a large company or a small business, determining how to improve your sales pipeline and grow your company is essential. Here are five tips to help make it happen.

1. Focus on the Right Audience

When generating leads that convert — which obviously provides more sales and revenue for your company — you must focus on your audience. A Canadian business list - from Scott’s Directories, can be an excellent resource to find companies and national distributors with specific demographics or qualities that you are targeting such as the company has been in business for a specific number of years, its volume size, annual sales revenue, etc.

2. The Customer is the Priority — Not the Data

While numbers are important, it is crucial that customers feel valued and appreciated if you want to retain them, upsell them, or receive referrals from them. Additionally, you must treat every customer like they are your best customer, even if they purchase something small. Even if you are selling to other businesses, it is vital that you focus on customer service and keep the company happy. One bad customer can lead to a handful of lost opportunities and sales.

3. You Focus on The Decision Makers

When trying to sell products and services to a company, it is imperative that you create marketing strategies and pitches that appeal to the decision makers of the company.